Another Day at School

This morning when I dropped Olivia off at school I found out that it was the entire class there. They all had their assigned seats and Olivia of course this morning had to wear a dress. It's just who she is now a days. Now that I'm sitting here thinking about it I wish I had brought my camera but I didn't and that's ok. I know that she is going to have a great day at school. I packed her lunch for her and in her lunchbox I wrote a little note on her napkin just telling her to have a good day at school and I love her. My mom used to do that for me and so I wanted to do it for Olivia. She was so happy when she saw that I had done something like that. For lunch she wanted me to pack her a turkey sandwich cut like a sun (using the pampered chef thing I have), a few apples, some oranges (her favorite) and an apple juice box. I also included in there an oatmeal cookie and a spoon that has her name on it because I didn't want her to be super upset that she didn't have one that she liked. She gets very upset if I don't include something in her lunch like that. I know to me it's not a big deal but to my 4 year old it is. So today when they get out of school she will be picked up by daycare and I'll pick her up from there. Hopefully she'll take a nap today and not be so grouchy when I pick her up. Plus she'll get to see her Madison!!! Well I better get to work...

Oh yeah for those of you who do a lot of product reviews let me know how I get get into it too. I really want to do them but don't know how to get started in them. Alot of them that I do are from paid posts and I feel that I want to be able to be sent the product, try it out and give my opinion. Not too hard to ask.
