Never Ending...

I swear, it's a never ending story with Olivia and her ears. She once again has a double ear infection and we are glad that I took her too. The doctor is finally going to do something about her stomach problem. She has had a stomach ache for a year and now the doctor is going to do an Upper and Lower GI on her. That will take place on Monday and I have to have her at the local hospital at 7:45am. I am actually looking forward to this because maybe this will shed some light onto what is causing her stomach pain. He pressed on her tummy today and she was in tears because it hurt. So something is now going to be done about it. If he doesn't know the cause then he will most likely send her out to Duke for more testing. Lets just pray that it's nothing too serious and it can be taken care of here locally.

Other than the doctor visit, yesterday I had an interview that lasted 3 hours. Yes I know it was super long but I kind of did a 3 in 1 interview which was great for me. I even got to key in some EOB's and that was really fun. I am praying that I get this job because honestly it's what I know I will be good at and its what I want to do! I know that I will be good at it.


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