Made a few changes.

I've made a few changes to my layout again. Some people were telling me that the words were off the page so instead of it being set at 1024px I've changed it to 1000px wide. A lot of the computers now a days have the setting to where it's set at 1024 but if you have an older computer than those settings might not be on the computer so I did a little tweaking to the layout for a few of those readers. I'm sure it should be fine now. If not then check your settings on your computer and see if it's set to view 1024px and if not then just change it on over to that setting. You might see a world of a difference when you do that.

Well I'm going to bed. I'm tired and sleepy and so ready to hit the sack. I'll catch up with you all in the morning. Don't forget to head on over to A Mom Who Loves Reviews and check out the few giveaways I'm having. I'll also post a new review sometime tomorrow as well. I won't have Olivia so I'll have time to do the things I haven't this week.


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