Web Hosting

Today I found online an awesome new website that has a lot of webhosting plans and what not. The website has multiple sites that you can choose from on the cheapest to the expensive ones. I have found several on there that if I were to start up another website that I would definitely use. It's something that I know most of my friends would be able to use as well. Not only do they have webhosting but they also have information on there such as best windows hosting, best forum hosting, best email hosting, and best blog hosting. It also has webmaster reviews, customers reviews, and also GoDaddy reviews. There is also a place on there for free website hosting (how cool is that?). I like how this site has so much information and it's nice too because I will be visiting this all the time. I love blogging and also building websites so I could use this website. It's an A++ in my books!
