This weekend!

This weekend has been fun and exciting yet it has had it's downfalls too. Saturday morning Olivia had her soccer game like normal. It wasn't as cold as it was the week before but still it was chilly. She played a good game but kept telling me she didn't feel good. Now she normally tells me this when she is sleepy so I just thought it was that. She didn't act any different so I didn't do anything. We also found out that yesterday was her last soccer game. Yes! No more getting up early to go to soccer in the cold weather. She got a little trophey too. I'll have to take a picture of here holding that. After the soccer game we went to McDonald's for breakfast with Jamie and then went on over to Walmart. I had some coupons that I wanted to use and so I did. I wanted to get a Polly Pocket toy with my coupon I had but the cashier was not that bright so I told her I would use it some other time. It took her like 4 times to run one coupon and she told me that I didn't get the item when I clearly did and proceeded to show her my item I got. Crazy how people are lazy and don't want to help anyone save money. Geesh! I have found that using coupons are helping us save money and that's a good thing. I also used my coupon for the Soy Milk and I tasted it today. Yummy is all I can say. I picked up the Vanilla flavored. I will be purchasing more of this in the near future.

After Walmart we went home and took a nap. Then we got up to go to my inlaws house. We got there just after they arrived home from Dawn and Travis Savage's wedding. Olivia last night got up around 3am and was screaming that her ear was hurting. I tried to make it better but couldn't so she didn't go back to sleep until later on. She only took about a 40 minute nap and she is cranky but she doesn't feel good either. We went to church this morning and after we got home we took her temperture. She was running a fever and so I took her out to the Walk in Clinic in Tarboro. She of course has an ear infection, chest infection and has basically strep. The doctor didn't even do a culture because he knew that was what it was. So no school for her tomorrow (yes her daycare is open) and it all depends on how she is feeling on Tuesday to where if she goes back or not. I am praying that she does! I went to Walmart and got her prescriptions and they were ultra expensive but we had to get them to make her feel better. While in there I also picked up a few items along with a couple christmas gifts. Olivia has a leappad already and she only has one book. So I purchased two LeapPad books and Cartridges for only $4.00! Wow! Those things are almost $25 alone and so I found this awesome deal today! What more could I ask for?

Well we are home so I am going to go and start on my homework for the week. I don't have school tomorrow but I need to go ahead and complete it soon. Have a good evening


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