Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! The Lord is Risen! Today we played the Easter bunny but she didn't get a lot of things. Olivia got 2 leotards from Terry and I and got a Veggie Tales movie from Nanie and Granddaddy, a matchbox car and some candy. It was nice but not too over rated. We went to church in Tarboro and it was very pleasant. Olivia still knows the true meaning of Easter and she learned about the Resurrection of Jesus our Lord. She went into Kidz Club instead of the nursery because she had a mini-egg hunt in there with glow in the dark eggs. They used the blacklights they have. It was a lot of fun for Olivia.

Then we went back to the house and took lots of photos for Easter and then went on and ate lunch. Mmmm...I'm still full from it. Terry also was there for church which made it extra special for him to be there more or less for his parents & for Olivia. It was a good day so far and tonight for dinner we're having my grandparents over for dinner and also having my brothers new girlfriend over. I'm still full from lunch. But I will eat dinner because we're having hamburgers. Mmmm....yummy! Ok I'm going to go. Happy Easter to everyone and I hope that you remember the real reason of the season.


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