Starting back on Weight Watchers

Today is my official start back day doing Weight Watchers. I got my items yesterday and re-read most of them last night. I have about 28 points a day that I can eat and then still have the 35 extra a week. But I'm going to stick by the book until I'm ready to go beyond it. So I will be watching what I eat and also I'm going to exercise tonight for the first time in a while. I'll be getting my Turbo Jam package today and can't wait to begin it too. It seems like waiting for 2 weeks has been painful enough for me.

After work tonight I'm going to go home and clean up a bit, cook us some dinner and then exercise. Olivia will be taking a bath tonight around 7:20pm and then she will be in bed at 8pm. No later than that. She has been very good the past couple of nights in doing this that I think it's been helping out in her behavior too. So we are going to keep up with the good work at this. No letting down on her bedtime. Not even when we head out to my inlaws. I refuse to go over there without Terry if we stay the night because I feel like she won't abide by my rules over there. But that's not going to happen anymore. Anyways, off that's still a sticky subject with me and I don't feel like getting into it. So I better go for now. Have some more work to do and also grab something to eat or fix it. I have 25 points left for today. Hmmm...what should I eat?


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