So Excited!

I'm so excited to announce that I am now a Mineral Girlz consulatant. If you have ever tried Mineral Makeup you will know it's very expensive except for now you can get Mineral Makeup for all the girls in your family and still not have to worry about spending an arm and a leg on. I was going to try Bare Minerals out but they are so expensive I haven't gotten a chance to try it. So now I am going to be selling and trying this out myself. So feel free to come by and look around because you don't have to buy anything at all. Ok also if you choose to sign up now you will not have to pay anything up front and if you sign up after Jan. 1st you will have to pay $25 for it plus get a basic kit. Now I think that is a deal there! You don't have to buy anything if you just want to have an online shop then that's fine. IT's really neat and I'm so excited to be presenting this to you all! So please stop by my site:


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