Brand New Mei Tai - $40.00

I have a brand new Mei Tai that I had sewn up about a year ago. I was going to use for my then 2 year old but she got too heavy to carry around. This was one of my first 5 that I made and have since stopped making due to school. I would like to sell this one because we no longer need it. It was never used! It has padding in the middle too and it has a very pretty pattern. It is blue and has sort of an asian print in the middle. It does have a couple freyed ends on the body part but it's made strongly and will no tear or give way while using it. Have sold many and given many to friends and family for baby shower gifts and they absolutely love them. My cousins wife still uses it and loves it.

It is up for sale around $40.00 and if you purchase one else where you will probably pay around $80 or more. This is a great deal for it. I am located in the Red Oak Area. Cash Only Please! Or if you live out of state I do have paypal and can do it that way but please contact me!


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