Saturday's Event

Saturday afternoon we had a surprise 50th Wedding Anniversary Party to go to for Terry's Aunt Rose and Uncle Tommy. It was nice to go and see the family but we were ready to go home and sleep. I was exhausted for no reason and I just was not in the mood to see the family. It turned out to be a good turnout and so I'm glad of that. That evening we let Olivia go home with Terry's parents and we drove home to get our things for Sunday. We didn't realize that his parents weren't going to the other church and going to ours instead. So we needed our clothing for that. It was a good day is all.

Yesterday was a good day. It was filled with adventure and crying. Olivia got in trouble at church by Papa and so she was devestated for that but she has been in her mood lately of not going to do anything we ask her to do. Go figure. She had an accident at church because she was so upset which was no biggy but then she kept having one because she didn't let us know she had to go. It was a bad day yesterday but we still gave her the special treat we promised her.

Tonight we are going to have fish sticks and maybe some kind of veggy. I am going to take a picture of my spaghetti squash plants that are doing so well. I'm so impressed with them! I already have one that is growing to be a big size and hoping that I will get more than one out of the 5 plants I have. Plus my sugar baby watermelon plants are growing too. Haven't seen any watermelons yet but hopefully they will show soon. :o)


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